

When I lived in Hull, Cooplands was my bakery of choice and the lunches I bought there were the finest I've ever had. Also, I was in the Cottingham branch of Cooplands the time that hippy stole my pork and apple roll right off the counter, so we've got history there as well as delicious sweet/savoury snacks.

Now Ainsley's has gone into administration and Cooplands has taken over the near-work branch. I was pretty excited at the prospect of having pork and apple rolls on tap so I went into the bakery to get one the first day they put out the Cooplands signs.

NICKY: Hi, may I have a pork and apple roll please?
NICKY: Do you not have any?
MCW: (shakes head)
NICKY: Do you sell them?
MCW: ...
NICKY: Okay, nevermind. (leaves shop)

So I went back to work, googled Cooplands and according to Wikipedia the Cooplands I frequented in the halcyon days of my youth was part of the Coopland and Son outfit based in Scarborough. The near-work bakery has been taken over by Cooplands Ltd, based in Doncaster. Rubbish. Same name, very different bakeries. I'm boycotting it. The pasties they sell there are squashed looking and come in weird flavours like cheese and broccoli; the shop doesn't glow like the one in my memory; they play Radio 1 in there! Gah.


  1. the savory roll, i remember it well!

  2. I'm boycotting it. The pasties they sell there are squashed looking and come in weird flavours like cheese and broccoli; the shop doesn't glow like the one in my memory; they play Radio 1 in there! Gah.

    They sell pasties at a bakery? Are these the kind one would eat from the breast of a stripper? Maybe they sell erasers for misplaced apostrophe's ;) -Sincerely, The Gooch!

  3. there is a really good bakerys that opens at 7:30 near my friends house, sooo many cakes!!

  4. Thank you Lucie that's very specific. I can't wait to visit this "good" bakery, "near" your "friend's" house.

    Oh "Gooch", you Americans are so funny. A pasty is a parcel of pastry. Full of stuff! Usually meat.

  5. hahaha the ever specific lucie
    do you remember that supermarket in withernsea that i liked because it sold them pastys in them i think it was beef and potato ooo they were good. i used to buy one (or three) of them and an Elle Girl magazine and sit on the beach. fun.
    From Eloise
