I bought this book when it was first released and started reading it right away. Unfortunately it was so boring I stopped fifty pages in. I decided to give it a second chance because I love Sarah Waters's other books, especially Fingersmith and The Little Stranger (which was a scary book, I love a scary book). I finished it this time but it was still dull. The story is told in three episodes presented in reverse chronological order; this just didn't work because the inter-linked stories were not interesting. It was totally anticlimactic.
I've had this book for ages. I went through a phase a while back of reading stuff by French authors and moved out of the phase before I got around to reading this. Recently I saw it listed on a forum as a top neglected classic so I figured I'd give it a go. It was pretty much a gore-fest. I don't think there's a character in the whole thing who'd think twice about killing another person and that got a little silly. If you've got time read both but I would recommend Thérèse Raquin over La Bête Humaine; by the same author, it deals with pretty much the same stuff but more simply and therefore (I think) more effectively.
THE TIME MACHINE-H.G. Wells (19 years)
I've got about a hundred of these classics. I read lots of them (mostly the girly ones like Little Women and Anne of Green Gables), some were unreadable and still are to this day (Lorna Doone) and some of them (like this one) my 7-year-old self dismissed as "for boys". This is a short read. Your main guy travels forward in time, makes friends with some weird kids, discovers some underground cannibals and sets a forest on fire before hightailing it even further into the future. Some of the stuff he sees further into the future is pretty chilling. And he SPOILER ALERT just disappears in the end which is also chilling. Is it worth reading the bit with the cannibals and the forest fire to get to the chilling stuff though? Probably not.
I loved this! It's been about a month since I read it and I still have dreams about it. Nearly everyone in the UK has gone blind from looking at a meteor shower. The Triffids take this opportunity to slap people down and feast on their corpses. Shudder. It's a good, creepy, post-apocalyptic yarn.